hi! welcome on my private website. let's start with the repressed reality!
we humans have gradually alienated ourselves from life over the last 10,000 years and have now largely lost our vitality and natural life intelligence, including the corresponding sad consequences. i call this tragic phenomenon
So, the motto can only be:
Let's stop the global human-down!
Let's turn the tide towards the Human-Up!
let's liberate unrestricted LIFE again!
Let's realize the turnaround to human-up!
fantastic revolution for your life
fantastic revolution for humankind
the normalrevolution for human-up!
and now we continue with an excerpt from my biography.
since my early youth, i have suprisingly dedicated my life to revolutions and visions.
- as a 12-year-old, i started with the rebellion against my parents' home, which at the time in general was very restrictive and in many ways hostile to life. this turned out soon to be irreversible.
- as a teenager, i developed an ideal view of the world and mankind and decided to dedicate my life to it, including the consequences this demanded.
- i soon rebelled against the acutely hostile atmosphere at the high school. i left it without fuss and without my parents' knowledge and enjoyed six months of freedom. the school was kind enough not to throw me out; on the contrary, the teachers i liked were happy when i spontaneously attended their lessons from time to time: “oh, brändli is here!”
- after being lucky to be accepted into a higher class at the pedagogical high school, i later completed my primary education with a teacher's diploma. at the same time, i was an active part of what was probably the first revolution to cross all the usual boundaries (1968 movement). i left the school's boarding school and from then on lived in communes for the entire duration of my subsequent education. An unforgettable rebellious episode: I left school in the middle of the school day and hitchhiked to the isle of wight festival in england in 1970, perhaps the biggest rock festival ever. with a grin, I wrote a postcard to my envious classmates.
- later, a smooth transition from flower power to the communist revolution (trotskyist). nice, but in fact a step backwards - and how!
- as a young teacher, i practiced the pedagogical vision/revolution (anti-authoritarian) even in the state school. in addition to that nice and fully appreciated full-time job, i was soon unexpectedly the main person responsible for setting up one of the most ambitious and largest non-authoritarian school projects at the time (‘free elementary school canton of zurich’, fvz). i was allowed to freely determine the entire running of the school, including teaching materials. to do this, i traveled back and forth several times a week between zurich and aargau, where i lived as a teacher. this in addition to taking part in political events several times a week. – when the opening was finally imminent (1973), i resigned from my job at the state school and took over the management of the fvz. however, conflicts of principle soon arose there between parents of different orientations, which completely challenged me as a 22-year-old head teacher and finally led to the long overdue burn-out. after just three months, i resigned from the job and decided to study psychology, which i hoped would give me a deeper understanding and the ability to handle such conflicts with sovereignty.
- my first personal experiences with intensive psychotherapy (‘primal therapy’, janov), which soon followed, led me to leave trotskyism. but also as a psychology student, the (passive) rebellion against the alienation from life and consequent boredom of the subject matter at university soon forced itself upon me. i traveled the world and learned directly from the best psychotherapy luminaries of the time, until i finally felt competent and free, left the field at university and - strongly encouraged and supported by my international teachers - opened a psychotherapy practice.
- as a psychotherapist too, i was always looking for the best methods. i got trained in a total of nine. but in the end, i soon devoted myself - logically for me - to researching a new, revolutionary method that reaches not just to the belly, but to our roots, and thus finally – the socially urgently required! – comprehensive and completely sustainable effect; which is synonymous with the vision of overcoming the disciplinary boundaries between psychology, medicine, and and and, to become the science of LIFE. keyword “LIFE university”.
- in addition, as a so called 'life teacher' (a term I was given early on by a third party), plus ski instructor and mountain and hiking tour guide, I soon found myself in the midst of a pedagogical revolution. this time of my own. it ultimately led to the “3x3 PowerSystem” - a learning system as simple as it is potent, which makes all previous efforts in this regard seem like pure sisyphus. key concept 1: 'learning begins with unlearning'. i combined these outdoor activities with psychotherapy.
- these therapy seminars were always supported by the result of my rebellion against the yoga dictate (which was already omnipresent at the time), by investigating which exercise practice takes into account the chronic tensions of the people here. this vision, which I practiced intensively in all my courses, was reflected in my first book: “Gelöst und Dicht” (1995); which, of course, I do myself practically every day, for my own personal benefit.
- from the mid-eighties onwards, the revolution in dealing with our own human energy and the vision of the 'rested, therefore absolutely reliable, permanently creative and extremely efficient human being' was added. i gave this thing the name “e-management”, and the book to go with it the title “Ruhe!Punkt.” i subsequently launched the “rest & activity” movement & company. among other things, we advised many business clients and institutions, set up rest rooms – so called “power rooms” – and opened a the first public rest room in zurich, called “restpoint”. at the same time, I wrote my third, fourth, ... book on this topic.
- which suddenly blessed me with three professions at the same time: psychotherapist + power system teacher/course leader + international expert for e-management. but this time without burn-out! the logically following book is called: “Burn! – but no out”.
- finally, at the end of the nineties – starting from a very bright november night in kenya; it really felt like enlightenment ;) – I realized the biggest, the real paradigm shift. finally arriving where the whole thing has to go: the clarity of how to bring about the urgently needed turnaround on the basis of an imperative overall human revolution. at first, i gave the thing the name “project second school of life”. this comprehensive personal revolution also means the realization of the vision of the completely fit human being in every respect, who is finally 100% trustworthy and contributes exclusively good and useful things to the successful survival of the species. – back in switzerland, i quickly closed my practice and founded the institute “lebensschule2”, “LS2” (the first school of life fills early childhood). i described the insights from back then in the “Handbuch Primäres Lernen” and later – considerably further developed – in the book “Die Quintessenz” (e-book).
- and then ... yes, what then? the insights of 97 still apply, but have been significantly expanded. and, after closing the institute “LS2” after ten years, because the process practice did not yet meet my visionary standards, and then continuing my research with just a few people – all this led to frighteningly low financial resources! – since 2015, the process has finally(!) reliably achieved what it is supposed to: the revolutionization of human personality and ultimately of human life as a whole. – my life is now dedicated to what it has always been aiming for: the “NormalRevolution for Human-UP!” by means of the “NormalProject”. consisting of: a) “guard rails” that bring the revolutionary orientation of personal and social life to what is biologically quite normal – including 'full fitness' (fit in absolutely every respect). b) from the practical daily practice of the process discovered in 2015, also known as the megatool: “breathing bomb primary process”, or now with a new name that describes the whole thing in two words: “deep regeneration”. this is always done with great respect for the unheard-of undertaking that completely realigns 15,000 years of history internalized in culture and genes. phew!
- it's no wonder that the book to go with it has been published. “here are new answers. to everything.” that's how the back of the book begins. i confess, after all the experiences described above, i have no inhibitions about this outrageous presumption. read it for yourself and see if i keep my word. “HOMO CAPUT” is available both in hardback and as an e-book; you can buy it in any bookshop or on the internet, e.g. directly from the publisher (see intro above). – ok, marketing myself personally is not my thing. accordingly, the book is awaiting distribution in the media, both traditional and social. you can make your own contribution, draw attention to it in newspapers and magazines, write reviews on internet portals, point it out on facebook, tweet/x it, show it on instagram, comment on it on the book website... . the book can and should open doors for the international ‘human-up!’ movement. it can and should even usher in the turnaround (Human-UP!) – so humanity once gets ready for it. well, and maybe it will also boost my still difficult financial situation a bit … ;)
the english translation of ‘HOMO CAPUT’ has also been completed, as a professional draft, so to speak. but it is still awaiting final editing. the translation into spanish has also just begun. i'm very pleased about that. publisher still open! - no, “HOMO CAPUT” is not the last book. a new book, with the title see below, which will be less mentally challenging for the esteemed readers, is – no, not as a replacement! – merely as a supplement to “quintessence” and “homo caput” - already at the start.
- And the crown on the whole thing is yet to come! the final(?) name for the MEGATOOL (as i dare to call it), with which i intend to make the world – including science(!) – happy, has only recently become clear to me. after all, it will have to serve to write history one day; just like 'psychoanalysis' and others once did.
So, “the winner is”: “Deep Regeneration”! – or perhaps, more recently: 'Depthregeneration', if the name should be reduced to one word. to the latter, I can only say: remain open for change; even with such central facts and events! thank you. - to summarize (finally!): now i can finally, finally look forward to an unopposed successful future of our human species; to the great mutation from homo sapiens-caput – the now almost pure head man, almost completely cut off from vital life – to the again primordial and at the same time highly cultivated “homo normalis”; to a true revolution, completely without opponents, without fighting; on the contrary, full of love, joy, generosity and solidarity.
- what i'm missing now is just confidence. when will we humans, steeped in the unwert virus 'uv21' (see 'quintessence' and 'from homo caput to homo normalis' = title 2nd edition), be ready for a finally real and comprehensively sustainable solution? okay, war has also proven to be sustainable and sometimes even comprehensive. and horribly many saw and still see it as a solution ... :(
- and what is my normal revolutionary consequence in my personal dealings with the 'matrix' (this term summarizes the insights of 1997 in one word)? i approach people completely openly, with tons of appreciation, love and humor; matrix or not. this awakens the 'best version' in each person (another keyword from my toolbox) and leads to joy, fun, commitment, mutual gifts and often to spontaneous closeness on both sides; and above all, for the other side, to encounters that are usually short but nevertheless unforgettable. pure love in practice!
still, crap! since my early youth, it has always been my dream to develop a solution that would finally and consistently change the human world for the better. but now that i've finally figured it out and it actually works, i have to realize the effort involved; i'm an idiot! ;)
because the NormalRevolution for Human-UP! means nothing less than:
- the way out of all the human dilemmas that we have been grappling with since the neolithic revolution, the transition to sedentarization, some 15,000 years ago.
- the end of the eternal back'n forth, the constant ups and downs, the end of sisyphus.
- the end of the global, comprehensive lie of life - the matrix; the end of all the countless illusions about ourselves, about life and its meaning.
my goodness!
okay, but otherwise there's nothing special ;)
ok, yes, may be this:
one of my mottoes is
no law, but order!
and the revolutionary orientation that i can finally issue with a clear conscience is called:
goodbye! or see you soon!
for example in the UP forum! (german) new insights and events are constantly being published there. thanks to blog technology, you can also contribute there yourself.
If you are a fan of this perspective, you are welcome to leave a message here!